For me, art, like love, is elusive of easy definition. To make art or to love equally exposes one to the possibilities of rejection. In art you can be graded, you can be judged, but as long as it has value to you, it is nevertheless one of a kind, like love. Art is subjective; it is coloured by the artist’s emotions. It reflects the artist’s perspective of a personal reality. Similarly, love becomes meaningful through the lover’s world.

Sara Sohrabian

Photo by Maria

Curriculum Vitae

Born: 1989, Tehran, Iran. Living and working in Sydney, Australia


2018                   Graduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood), RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

2014 - 2016        Master of Art with Excellence, UNSW Art & Design, Sydney, NSW, Australia

2007 - 2011        Bachelor of FineArts, Central Tehran Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Group Exhibitions (*Catalogued)

2019                       Evoke, RAW Australia, Sydney, Australia

2019                       Reflect, RAW Australia, Melbourne, Australia

2016                       Uncoiling, Annandale Galleries, Annandale, NSW, Australia

2015                       Exquisite Mutations, Annandale Galleries, Annandale, NSW, Australia

2015*                     Thresholds, MastersStudios & Amnesia Lab, UNSWArt & Design, NSW, Australia

2015                       Windows, Oxford Street, Paddington, NSW, Australia

2014                       Confluence, Kaleidoscope Gallery, Chippendale, NSW, Australia

2008                      World of colours, Mehrin & Arte Galleries, Tehran, Iran

Prizes / Awards (*Catalogued)

2020                       Finalist, Blacktown City Art Prize, Blacktown Center, NSW, Australia

2019*                      Winner of People's Choice Prize, Blacktown City Art Prize, Blacktown Center, NSW, Australia

2018                        Finalist, The Other Art Fair, Melbourne, Australia

2016*                       Finalist, The Directors Cut, The 64th Blake Prize, Sydney, Australia

2015*                       Winner of the Earle Backen Award, UNSW Art & Design Annual 15, Kudos Gallery, Paddington, NSW, Australia

2015*                       Finalist, Blacktown City Art Prize, Blacktown Center, NSW, Australia

2015                         Finalist, Tim Olsen Drawing Prize, Kudos Gallery,Paddington, NSW, Australia

2011                          Finalist, Call for artists, ArtExpo, Tehran, Iran

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